Poppers and Gay Sex: What You Need to Know

Poppers, as you already know, is an abbreviation for chemical volatile substances, most often they are alkyl - nitrite, butyl nitrite or amyl – nitrite. The accidentally discovered aphrodisiac effects of these substances became immediately popular in the gay community, and are essentially unsurpassed to this day. They can provide a lot of pleasure and excitement, but only for a short time, and you need to know how to use them. In this article, gays and all lovers of anal sex will learn everything they need to know about poppers.

How poppers are used during gay sex and why


In order to enjoy poppers properly and above all safely, you need to know how they work. You usually find poppers in small plastic bottles, and due to legal consents any shops and online retailers market poppers as solvents, leather cleaner, nail polish remover, deodorizers, air fresheners or liquid incense. Always read on for a closer look at the effects of poppers and whether they’re safe to use.

You probably already know that poppers are vasodilators, which means they widen blood vessels. When inhaled, they cause a rapid dip in blood pressure that can result in an immediate but short-lived rush of euphoria and relaxation. These effects can last for a few minutes. And what is the biggest obstacle to anal sex? Surely, insufficient relaxation and associated pain. Therefore, poppers are simple and effective solution, at least for a few moments.

The effects of poppers on sexual experiences and performance


Poppers are often associated with sex for a couple of reasons. They tend to cause lowered inhibitions and sexual arousal, so they act also as an aphrodisiacs. But their main contribution is sexual life lies in the fact that poppers relax smooth muscles in the body — including those found in the anus and vagina — making anal and vaginal sex more pleasurable.  Especially anal sex, since poppers (their use) were discovered accidentaly by the gay community in the 60s of the last century, and since than they quickly became popular.

After opening the container with poppers, euphoria lasts from 30 seconds to 2 minutes after a short inhalation. With the increased desire for sex comes also the psychological effect of shedding inhibitions. Increased heart rate is accompanied by pleasant heat spreading throughout the body and blood circulation and relaxation of the smooth muscles of the genitals. Together, these chemical reactions create ideal conditions (not only) for anal sex.


Tips for using poppers safely during sex


If you´re ever tired  poppers or just want to try them, you´re probably wondering if they are safe to use during sex. The answer is YES if you follow these safety guidelines:

  • Start small and slow, just inhale poppers, under any circumstances apply to skin or ingest. You risk skin burns mucous memambrane burns.
  • Do not combine cigarettes, alcohol or any other drugs with poppers.
  • Also keep away from candles or fire, as poppers are highly flammable.
  • Do not combine poppers in any case with drugs or pills which are suppose to improve erection such as Viagra or Cialis, because poppers rapidly lower blood pressure, which can even result a heart attack or stroke.
  • Use poppers in a well – ventilated room and after the agreement with your sexual partner.
  • Poppers are not addictive, but some people who are recovering (either from alcohol or drug addiction) should not use them, as they can become addicted to the rush even outside the sex life.   

Main image source : Freepik

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